
Here’s why we need Corona Virus tests to be readily available, now.

Last week I was sick and as a precaution stayed home. My body quickly killed the infection days ago. Then I discovered people at work had tested positive for the Corona virus. So I suspect I also had it. But I don’t know for sure.

From a personal perspective it’s not important if I had this particular virus, or not. What is important is if I still have the virus, now that all the symptoms have subsided. Here’s where it gets dangerous and why I am looking for validation through testing. Not that I have the virus, but that I no longer have it. People who have been sick sould have access to tests to be sure it is a negative outcome.

The danger is that I will leave isolation too soon and still be contagious to others. I am now confident in my own health, but am weary of that confidence and the danger it can pose to others. If I leave my isolation too soon, while still carrying the virus, I may unintentionally spread the disease.

Of course, by the time there are tests available it will probably be days or weeks after they are useful to help in my own disision making. I hope there are in fact tests available, in abundance, for those who suspect they’re no longer infected. So that we can more accurately eliminate it’s spread.

As of now it is next to impossible to be tested (as is my experiance) unless you are in the throes of the disease.

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