OPECS New Deal

Get ready to pay more for gas. It turns out American Oil is only effective at higher price points. We were starting to see shale oil producers (with a higher cost of production than drilling) shutter under the lower oil cost due to the unbridled production in Saudia Arabia and lowered demand. Saudi’s had opened… Continue reading OPECS New Deal


Here’s why we need Corona Virus tests to be readily available, now. Last week I was sick and as a precaution stayed home. My body quickly killed the infection days ago. Then I discovered people at work had tested positive for the Corona virus. So I suspect I also had it. But I don’t know… Continue reading Untitled

Responding to Fear

Early in the morning, out for a drive in the country, I spotted a deer bounding across the two lane road I was driving down. It was still a bit foggy and I decided to slow down just in case another was waiting on the side of the road. Deer tend to travel in packs… Continue reading Responding to Fear

Why A Material Life is Wasted

If there is excess, a material life is easy to live. And in America for almost a century we’ve been living in excess. At the end of the second world war this country emerged as almost the only fully industrialized nation in the world. That head start along with a culture that Winston Churchill admiringly… Continue reading Why A Material Life is Wasted

Obfuscation is not Security.

Obfuscate: verb (used with object), ob·fus·cat·ed, ob·fus·cat·ing. to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy. to make obscure or unclear: to darken. I personally prescribe to obfuscation for my own purposes, using different email address or even renting out a post office box to receive certain types of mail. I do this for two reasons, the first is… Continue reading Obfuscation is not Security.